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2014 Mid-Pacific Student Conference

Professional Paper/ Presentation

Competition Date: April 4, 2014

Competition Location: Save Mart Center

Captain's Meeting: Thursday, April 3, 2014

 ** See the details page below for more information. **

Topic: Resourceful Engineering- The Link Between Sustainability and Resilience.


1.  One (1) electronic copy (with University name and Mead Paper in subject line) submitted to .

2.  Three (3) hard copies submitted to:

California State University, Fresno

ATTN: ASCE MidPac Planning Committee M/S EE94

5241 N. Maple Ave. Fresno, CA 93740

Technical Presentation: Each team’s PowerPoint for the technical presentation is due March 28, 2014. This will allow us to test run each PowerPoint on the computers that will be used, and it should allow for a quicker transition between each presentation. Please email the PowerPoint to .

Deadline for entry will be MARCH 7, 2014 [5:00 pm PST for the electronic copy].

If you have any questions or concerns please contact: 

Shawn Demmers 

Professional Paper Details.pdf
Justin Beutel,
Feb 18, 2014, 4:18 PM
Professional Paper.pdf
Justin Beutel,
Oct 18, 2013, 3:47 PM

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