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Water Treatment Rules Update

posted Dec 1, 2010, 2:13 AM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Dec 1, 2010, 2:15 AM ]
Dear ASCE Student Leaders,

As you may know, the Water Treatment Competition rules for the 2011 Mid-Pacific Conference were to be released by Thanksgiving 2010.

The concept of having a Thanksgiving deadline was an attempt to standardize the timelines for the Water Treatment Competition (WTC) to reflect the release of the Concrete Canoe (CC) and Steel Bridge (SB) rules in early September.  This would enable your WTC teams the same amount of preparation the CC and SB teams enjoy.  

The 2011 Mid-Pacific Conference also intended to be the first year of adopting the National Wastewater Challenge rules written by the WEF.  The rules were to be adopted verbatim to provide standardization between the Conference Competition with the National Competition.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the 2011 WEF National Wastewater Challenge rules have yet to be released.  After some deliberation with the planning committee, and agreement with Erin Marquis, the Water Treatment Chair, I have instructed Erin to develop the rules for the Water Treatment Competition.  The rules for the Water Treatment Competition is ultimately the 2011 Conference's responsibility,  therefore we are acting to provide you the rules as fast as possible.

The rules will be based on the partial 2011 WEF Wastewater Callenge scenario, materials, and water constituents that have been provided to us.  Included in this email is the first draft of the rules, so that you can get started designing and testing your systems.  We intend to email a final copy of the rules by 5:00PM on Friday, December 3, 2010.  

The rules will also be released on our website at ascemidpac.org.  Included on the website is a Frequently Asked Questions page, where answers to your questions will be posted (questions can be emailed to ).  Please visit the site often to keep abreast of any clarifications to the rules.

I am sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we expedite the Water Treatment Competition rules release.

Thank You,

Jeremy Herbert, EIT, S.M. ASCE
2011 Mid-Pacific Conference Chair
Justin Beutel,
Dec 1, 2010, 2:14 AM

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