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Past Conferences‎ > ‎2011‎ > ‎2011 FAQ‎ > ‎Water Treatment‎ > ‎

Since there can be no modifications to raw materials before the competition, what sizes should brought on competition day?

posted Dec 8, 2010, 9:12 AM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Dec 8, 2010, 10:01 AM by Justin Beutel ]
Copper pipe will be very difficult to alter on the day of the competition and therefore, this material may be cut to design length before the competition.

Any materials that must be measured as fluid ounces may be brought in their respective containers and measured out to design volumes during the hour of prepping materials.

All other raw materials must be brought in store-bought condition.  For example, if your system requires plywood, it must be brought in the 4'x8' or 2'x4' size that it was purchased as.  All waste, or material not used, is to be disposed of by the team that brought it.  If your team brings a 4'x8' sheet of plywood, and only one square foot is used, you must take the wasted plywood with you when you leave the competition.  Keep this in mind as you make your design: designs should be sustainable and not produce much waste.

All tools must be provided by the competing teams; tools will not be provided on site.  Make sure that your batteries are charged, as there will be no electricity to charge dead batteries the day of the competition.


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