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Past Conferences‎ > ‎2011‎ > ‎2011 FAQ‎ > ‎Water Treatment‎ > ‎

Can we completely remove an item?

posted Apr 11, 2011, 4:52 PM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Apr 11, 2011, 4:52 PM by Justin Beutel ]

Materials that are listed in the design report already should remain in the system.  Please refer to this previous answer on the website, date March 1, 2011: “All materials listed in the design report should be present and functional on the system.  However, changes in the quantity of items may be changed – testing and redesign should be done within the downtime before competition so that your system is designed more efficiently.  Reduction in the amount of chemical, the use of lumber, etc. should be looked at and is okay for the final design brought to competition.”


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