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Mailer III Released!

posted Mar 17, 2011, 3:52 AM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Mar 17, 2011, 3:54 AM ]
I am pleased to release this years' final official correspondence, Mailer III.  The attached document is the culmination of this year's Planning Committee's planning.  Akin to other ambitious projects, the Planning Committee set lofty goals to bring to this years Conference.  I am proud to say that I am surprised with the quantity, and quality of the work each and every one on the Committee has accomplished this year.

Early on, I challenged the Planning Committee to not only provide the same experience the Mid-Pacific Conference expects, but to add more and to do it all for less.  In tune with our theme "Lean and Green", and taking the cue from our current economy, we have striven at each step to provide a competitive, enjoyable and memorable weekend for everyone while trying to make it cheaper for each member Chapter to participate.

Some of the notable accomplishments is the addition of two events, the Geo-Challenge and the Transportation Event.  These events provide additional chances to compete utilizing previously unused facets of our broad Civil Engineering knowledge-base.  These events cost little to no extra money to the member Chapters.

Another innovation is to provide the filming of all presentations, allowing the absent and future competitors to view this year's exemplary oratories.

We are also excited to provide a full day of tours showcasing some of the projects around Sacramento on Sunday.  If you are interested, please fill out the attached Tour_Info_Spreadsheet.xls and send it to .

Entering the last month before the Conference, we on the Planning Committee are doing what each of your Competition teams are feverishly doing, making sure all the t's are crossed, and the i's dotted.  I applaud each and every one of you for working with us regarding the documentation we have requested of you.  Over the next week I will be reviewing all submissions, and will be contacting some of you for final clarifications.

May your concrete be ductile, your bridges bear loads, your water run clean, your walls stand tall, and  . . . you didn't think I'd spill the beans about transportation did you?

Thank you for all your hard work!

Jeremy Herbert, EIT, S.M. ASCE
2011 Mid-Pacific Conference Chair

Justin Beutel,
Mar 17, 2011, 3:54 AM
Justin Beutel,
Mar 17, 2011, 3:54 AM

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