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Past Conferences‎ > ‎2011‎ > ‎2011 FAQ‎ > ‎Water Treatment‎ > ‎

The rules say that during Phase 1 we cannot assemble things together. Can we piece joints and pipes together after cutting them just to judge the accuracy of our cuts, and then disassemble them at the end? The rules say that during Phase 1 we cannot assemble things together. Can we piece joints and pipes together after cutting them just to judge the accuracy of our cuts, and then disassemble them at the end?

posted Apr 11, 2011, 4:55 PM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Apr 11, 2011, 4:56 PM by Justin Beutel ]

Yes, you can fit pieces together to check fittings and cuts but everything must be disassembled before the prep phase is over.


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