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Past Conferences‎ > ‎2011‎ > ‎2011 FAQ‎ > ‎Water Treatment‎ > ‎

Last year at Nationals one team used a skimmer of some kind to suck oil off the surface of their constituent water before dumping it into their water treatment system. Is pre-treatment like this allowed this year at Mid-Pac?

posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:52 AM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Mar 17, 2011, 10:12 AM by Justin Beutel ]

No treatment should occur outside of the designed system.  This is to say that if chemicals will be used, for example, they will either need to be in place within the system beforehand or poured into the system along with the water (within the 10 minute pour time).  If a skimmer is part of the actual system, it can be used but it cannot be used before the water enters the system.

EDIT: "they will either need to be in place within the system beforehand or poured into the system along with the water (within the 10 minute pour time)" : CONFLICTING ANSWERS WERE POSTED REGARDING THE ADDITION OF CHEMICALS.  PLEASE NOTE THAT CHEMICALS CANNOT BE INTRODUCED INTO THE SYSTEM DURING THE POUR TIME; CHEMICALS MUST BE IN THE SYSTEM ALREADY, PRIOR TO POUR TIME.  Sorry for any inconvenience.


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