Horseshoes is an outdoor game played between two people using four horseshoes and two throwing stakes
set in a sandbox area. The game is played by the players alternating turns tossing horseshoes at stakes in the
ground, which are placed 40 feet apart. Conference games will use a more stylized U-shaped bar, about twice
the size of an actual horseshoe. Two students from each University will be competing against each other in
this game. The stake will be 40 feet away from the game line. To determine the order of play, each team will
pick a number; the number closest to a predetermined number will go first and so on. Each team will toss two
horseshoes at a time. A ringer, which occurs when the horseshoe is around the stake, is worth 3 points. The
two horseshoes closest to the stake in each round are worth 1 point. If two teams toss their horseshoe at an
equal distance away from the stake, they cancel each other out. The team to get to 20 points first will win the